I had a lovely visit by phone with a friend this morning. She told me that she’s feeling very content these days. Isn’t contentment such a beautiful word? And isn’t it wonderful she could describe her life as contented? After we got off the phone I started to reflect on what I would say I need to feel contented with my life. Here are some things that came to mind:
1) To love and be loved.
2) To have meaningful work/projects to do.
3) To have a good book on the go, and a good book ahead.
What are some of the things you need in your life to be able to enjoy a feeling of contentment in your mind, body, emotions and spirit?
Regarding good books, I’d like to recommend some new to me authors who write what I would call ‘ beach reads’. These are feel good, encouraging, easy reads. My local librarian wasn’t familiar with any of these authors, so in case you are looking for some new authors in the ‘beach read’ category, here are a few!
1) Leigh Duncan.
Leigh is an American author. She’s won a number of awards for womens’ fiction. I am making my way through her Sugar Sand Inn series right now. They describe the struggles of a group of four women who are working together to get a new inn up and running. Nothing happens that would disturb your sleep, and the description of the friends’ relationships with each other is endearing and encouraging.
2) Jean Grainger
Jean is a very prolific Irish author. She seems to be able to work on several series at once. I have read some or all of The Tour series, the Robinswood series, and most recently the Mags Munroe series. Mags is a policewoman in a small village in Ireland. I found reading about her experiences really interesting and enjoyable. Again, Jean’s books are great bedtime reading.
3) Susanne O’Leary
Susanne is another Irish author. Her novels are set mostly in County Kerry. I have read most of her Starlight Cottage series and the Sandy Cove series. They describe events and relationships in a small village in Ireland. The settings are spectacular. Again, no worries about reading these books just before you fall asleep at night!
Happy June!