Consciously Choosing
Hello from Canada on Eclipse Day. I hope you enjoy this day, wherever you are.
As I have been reflecting on my Mom and my Nana’s lives, I have also been reflecting on the lives of the elders who remain in my family. My Aunt Sheila turned 93 on Saturday, and my Uncle Bill turned 88 today. This year, I wanted to name for myself the things I admire about them, then write to them, letting them know, with gratitude, how important their example has been to me. As I reflected on their lives and what they have offered to me, I realized that we can make a conscious choice to intend to incorporate into our lives the good things that our elders have modelled, and still model for us.
I love my Uncle Bill’s dignity and quiet humility. I love my Aunt Sheila’s love of life and devotion to prayer. I loved Nana’s ability to create beautiful celebrations at birthday and Holiday times. I loved Mom’s love of books, learning, gardening, and her curiosity and great listening skills. I aspire, and I am consciously choosing, to try to integrate these beautiful traits and characteristics into my own life as I move forward.
What are some of the admirable qualities that the elders in your life model or have modelled for you? May none of these good gifts be wasted or lost. May we incorporate them into our lives, and pass them on to our children and our children’s children. May it be so! Amen