A Deep Dive

Mother’s Day has come and gone, and I made it! I never understood before why people dread the first birthday, or the first anniversary after their parent or loved one passes, but I do now. It turned out to be a sweet day, celebrating with those who were available to come over for dinner. The main thing about such events, I have found, is not to be alone, and to invite someone over who might not otherwise have an invitation on Mother’s Day- someone whose own mother has passed, for example. Mom did always say, “When you are feeling sad, lonely, or bored, look outside yourself and do something for someone else.” For me, those are very practical and useful words to live by.

I am continuing to journal through a series of questions that I have found in various books that are helping me to process Mom’s life and death. I came across some really hard hitting ones today. Whew! It is going to take some time for me to think about, write about, and generally process them. In case you would like to take a deep dive in this area of your life, here are a few journal prompts you can delve into:

1) How often are you still a dependent, judgmental, or needy child?

2) Where do you still seek to fit in, belong, and conform for your survival?

3) When are you self-aware, accepting of yourself, and impeccable?

4) Where and how are you living in harmony with self, life, and others?

Juicy, eh???!!!

Enjoy this beautiful Victoria Day!

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