An inspiring experience!
For about two years, I have wanted to visit a labyrinth that is located not too far from my home, about twenty minutes away in the countryside near Ennismore. I love walking a labyrinth. No matter how many twists and turns a labyrinth path has, you know for sure you will always end up in the centre. This is what differentiates a labyrinth from a maze, which is meant to confuse us, and has many dead ends.
Today, I finally made it to the labyrinth near Ennismore. It was a beautiful eleven circuit labyrinth, a full replica of the labyrinth located in Chartres Cathedral in France. As I walked, I felt more and more at ease and settled. I noticed the times I was facing away from the centre, on the outmost circuit, and felt so happy to know that despite that, I was going to eventually end up in the centre. What a metaphor for the twists and turns of life we experience, and the times when we feel we might be off course, and far from being centred and on track.
Mrs. Deslauriers came out to welcome me and invited me to go on a walk through the woods to the secret garden she and Mr Deslauriers created, with the help of the Ennismore horticultural society. It was a magical, comforting, joyful time. To get directions to this labyrinth, go to the world-wide labyrinth locator website and enter ‘Ennismore’. No matter where you are when you are reading this, you can go to this website and find the labyrinth located near to you.