Reflections on Celebration of Life Gatherings
I had the amazing experience of attending the celebration of life gathering for my Mom this past Sunday. I didn’t know what to expect. Who would come? What would they say to me? How would I find the strength to say anything in return to them? Despite my concerns, I found out that celebrations of life can be wonderful.
To my surprise, many people from my childhood in my home town came to see me, to offer their condolences and to share memories of both my Mom and my Dad. My kindergarten teacher was there, as well as my tennis coach and a relative of my mixed doubles golf partner. I was transported back to a distant, but fondly remembered, time of my life. I was also so comforted that many friends from my present day adult life made the journey to be there to support me. My niece and nephew did a wonderful job of speaking about Mom’s life. A grandson in law sang It’s a Wonderful World, one of Mom’s favourite songs, beautifully.
The afternoon was a comfort and a blessing. I just counted up how many people I spoke to in two hours and it was 65 people! No wonder I was hoarse afterward!
I realized again how important ritual and ceremony, symbolism, and music are at times like this. And now, it’s time to begin to process- my life, my Mom’s life, the relationship between us, what she taught me, what I taught her, and what I want to take with me of Mom’s impact and lessons into the years ahead.
Thank you, God, for giving me an interesting, and always interested, Mom. I am realizing once again how powerful the impact of a Mother’s life truly is.