Continuing the Journey
I realized today that it’s been quite a while since I have written a blogpost. My new book is launched, Thanksgiving is coming, and my Mom’s birthday, which was September 9th, has passed. I have started up another year of teaching Sunday School, my fall workshop offerings are about to begin, and it’s almost time to put the gardens to bed for another year. In other words, time is rolling on, as it always does.
I feel like I am pretty nearly finished processing and integrating my Mom’s death. I have been helped the past few weeks with this by reading a book by James Hollis that was written in 2018, but that I missed at the time. I find his writing about the soul, about individuation, and seeing it all from the Jungian perspective, to be really helpful for getting the big picture view of my own life, and my life within the context of my family of origin- both when I was young and now, as I prepare to turn 70 in January. I highly recommend this book, published when Hollis was 78. It seems to me to include all the important topics he discussed in the many books written before this one. The title is Living An Examined Life: Wisdom for the Second Half of the Journey, A 21 Step Plan for Addressing the Unfinished Business of Your Life. Sound interesting?
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all!